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The warning signs of adrenal fatigue also sometimes she had trouble thinking  memory she just always felt over well I guess like overwhelmed is one of.

The biggest if you’re a person that feels overwhelmed that’s a big sign that  you’re experiencing adrenal fatigue on a regular basis Jordan let’s go ahead and jump in right now and talk about.

The seven ways to combat adrenal fatigue  let’s jump into step number one here what do we have the top foods and I’ll go ahead and bust out a pen here and I add some of .

These things that we hit on first of all when it comes to adrenal  fatigue carbs are your enemy let me tell you that if you have adrenal fatigue if you say .

That you are stressed often if you say I’m stressed I’m stressed I’m stressed that’s adrenal fatigue and it’s  signified by a high level of cortisol and a low level of DHEA think of DHEA as .

The hormone of youth whereas cortisol is the hormone that makes you fat it’s the hormone that makes your skin dry and causes you to  not sleep now cortisol is great if you’re being chased by .

A bear or at a National Forest it’s the fight or flight hormone but when cortisol rages your body fights against you a diet low in starches is very very important so you .

Want to limit grains you want to limit sugar and often Josh when people have adrenal fatigue they crave .